POEM: A Starry Imagining
A star twinkles. Imagine.
One by one, more and more appear.
Forming different shapes, just like clouds do.
What magic can you see? What magic can you feel? Imagine.
The stars keep swirling and swirling into an amazing star cloud ... and, in
a burst of energy, they reveal a magnificent birdlike creature
With colours of rose gold, white gold and more … glimmering against the dark blue sky … swirling, twinkling, dancing … On a journey across the sky. Imagine. And then the star cloud bursts open … twinkles of starlight expand towards you,
carrying hope, love, peace … Imagine.
Is there something there for you? …
Words and illustration copyright Karen Curran
www.karencurran.au Image may be printed for PRIVATE use only. Not to be resold.
A Starry Imagining is also featured on my Poems page at my other website www.artandsoulclasses.au