There are many who feel that Oracle Cards can be inspirational or helpful. Many have very beautiful illustrations or designs. But it is important to be wise.
Oracle/Affirmation Cards are not to tell the future. You are the one with the power over your own thoughts - the answers are deep within you and all you need to know is the how.
So, be wise and use oracle cards as a prompt to journal or meditate on, and see what comes up for you.
Remember - it is NOT about fortune-telling. It is about you using your own inner wisdom with oracle cards to gain insight. BE MINDFUL: Do not ask questions that give your power away such as 'should I do this?' Nor ask for instructions. It is about tuning in to your inner heart. Method: Shuffle and either hold the cards OR lay them spread out on a table or floor. Ask a question - examples might be:
What do I need to look at to clear for me to move forward?
What would help me shift my thoughts or perspective on this situation?
Why do I feel like I'm stuck?
What is the next step for me to move forward to my dream? etc
Feel over the card and choose with your non-dominant hand if possible.
There are no rules, but most commonly you can choose one card, or three. If three, then the first one is where you most recently experienced or learned from, the middle one is what may be happening in the present, and the third is for what might happen soon if you take mindful action.
The chosen card/s are for you to thoughtfully ponder on.
Look at the picture first and notice the details.
I like to write the name of the card and the points that leap out at me.
Then I journal thoughts on it. Free write your thoughts that come up when you read the card and any applicable information in an accompanying booklet.
And importantly, if something is negative and feels wrong for you as a gut feeling, then always discard it. You have a choice.
DISCLAIMER: the oracle cards give you thoughts and choices to consider. If two people pull the same card their thoughts and considerations will be entirely different. You are the one that determines your future. Only you.